Category Archives: News & Reviews

The World Will Never Know…

LG Williams The World Will Never Know...

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  • Let’s not worry about LG Williams and really move on to artists who we can trust as being pillars of good moral decency like Pink. LG is an art pig. I think the free ride on LG is over.! Lets be concerned with Americas future and stop all the bull s*** over LG.
  • LG’s art program and does not sound like recovery to me, it sounds like farts in the tub. Just saying.\
  • LG is truly sad example of what he could have been. I knew him when he was great…\
  • LG is a narcissistic, dude-child, who has been following in art’s footsteps, and probably won’t change.
  • If he and Cherry get back together, it would be interesting to see what it costs him.
  • A sad, pathetic example of a man, an artist and a dude…
  • If??? The media, art press etc. have the almighty concern for the future of LG’s art, why? Do they print articles such as this and put this diatribe on the airwaves?
  • It’s not that LG had all those art affairs, it’s who he had them with that speaks volumes as to his character.
  • This is not Disney where we can mould him into the person we would like him to be. If I had been a fan I would be very sad but I have no sympathy for him.
  • Good at art, good in bed, end of story.
  • Don’t be alone with this madman — whatever the reason!
  • If you went from 20 blondes to 30……yes, maybe LG is little overwhelmed.
  • I can believe LG exploded. But not in rage.
  • Just about every story on LG Williams has been hearsay so far, between he and all those art whores. How many ways can we get people to hate LG’s art?
  • I do believe that LG confirmed what he initially denied about being artistically unfaithful. Maybe you missed it.
  • A friend of a friend’s cousin’s wife told me about LG. Sounds similar to his other stories.
  • I think that Artforum is trying to get more than its 15 minutes worth of credibility from having one story right.
  • Do you think LG’s galleriest is a woman, wearing a short skirt, with her hair pinned up, wearing librarian glasses? I would be enraged, too.
  • His ex-wife needs to wash her hands of this loser.
  • You can’t believe everything you read on hearsay.
  • Yes, we want to believe all the sordid details, but LG had a number of art affairs with women who couldn’t hold a candle to his gallerist and that’s enough for me to dislike him.
  • I caught my wife in bed with a crack dealer, it wasn’t that she cheated…..
  • What amazes me the most is that Artforum, the joke of all art rag “journalism” is taken for gospel..Just like the tarts who are spewing their garage… unreal!! o Now that TMZ, Rador on line and Artforum take on a reputable place it is over folks.. My gosh what a tragedy! I don’t believe a single word.. Not a syllable written from those rags.. Mind you own business all you nasty, judgmental people. Leave LG alone.
  • LG won’t change his stripes. He’ll be out carousing with the girls again, soon. LG is a freaking dog.
  • I too think LG’s problem is not art but artistic self-hatred and a buying into the belief that artists are superior. That is his problem.
  • I will not let my wife visit




Your Holiness Pope Benedict XVI,

With regards to your November 21st appeal for artists to embark on “a quest for beauty”, I thought it appropriate, in the spirit of open brotherly exchange, to answer your request and make a request:

OK, No Problem!

Please send a check to:


1687-A Kalauokalani Way #139

Honolulu, HI 96814

Your Brother In Art,

LG Williams

Posted via web from The Official Webpage of LG Williams and The Estate Of LG Williams

FUCKTHATGALLERY In Waikiki, Hawaii Opens September 15, 2009

LG Williams: Band Aids at FUCKTHATGALLERY & TelephoneBooth

LG Williams, A Flock of Sheep With Poses, Gestures, Glances, And Even, 2009
Band Aid® on Wall, Dimensions Variable
Edition of 100

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Buy One LG Get Up To 4 Free (Limited Time Offer)

LG Williams New Art Marketing Campaign Paves Way For Success And Opportunities


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LG Williams Announces The Purchase Of Nine Notebooks By Honolulu's Most Accomplished Underground Artist "Ms. Matrix"