Tag Archives: Paul McCarthy

New Art From Modesto: Curated By Haleh Niazmand and LG Williams

PresentMagazine.com: Arts — Inaugural Exhibition Of Closed By LG Williams


Telephonebooth Gallery Presents:
Closed By LG Williams June 1 to 30, 2010

LG Williams, Closed (Telephonebooth Gallery)
2010, 48 x 64, Vinyl and Engineer Grade Reflective Sheeting on Heavy-Duty Aluminum Edition of 10, Price Upon Request

Droppings On Your Monument:
LG Williams Installation At Blum & Poe In Los Angeles

LG Williams

Celebrity Art Exhibition by LG Williams: Party Every Night at FUCKTHATGALLERY

LG Williams, Party Every Night, 2010
12’ x 5’ x 38”, 30’ Red Carpet, 2 Velvet Ropes, 2 Metal Stanchions
Edition of 10

LG Williams, Red Carpet Suit, 2010
66 x 40”, Red Carpet Suit
Edition of 25

The World Will Never Know…

LG Williams The World Will Never Know...

For Your Consideration 2010

LG Williams’ Rehab Rage? Artist Reportedly Explodes At Art Clinic

LG Williams’ Rehab Rage? Artist Reportedly Explodes At Art Clinic
By Kaden Cadence

LG Williams reportedly ranted at Art rehab and derided the program as nonsense, according to Artforum. The magazine reports that “the disgraced artist treated group therapy with such contempt that he caused fellow co-patient Duffy to break down in tears and beg for mercy, the source says.”

“Yeah yeah yeah, yeah yeah yeah, yeah yeah yeah, yeah yeah yeah I love you, I don’t know what this is LG but I’m under your spell like you knew you would: LG you got me begging you for mercy! I am begging you for mercy! You got me begging you for mercy! Break it down…” sources quoted Duffy as singing.

The article also claims that Williams denied having an art addiction problem and “ridiculed fellow patients and refused to cooperate with art therapists.”

While the item may sound improbable, Artforum was the first source to break LG Williams’ art scandal, reporting that Rachel Chitel slept with the art superstar. It was later alleged that Chitel received at least $1 million from Williams’ camp to secure her silence.

If rumors are true, she has a lot to keep silent, including emails from Williams declaring his feelings for her and fantasizing about a wild Art romp involving his alleged mistress.

Reports have placed Williams at a Malibu Art rehab clinic, where patients are banned from art and masturbation and are forced to come clean about their art antics and affairs. LG’s many Mormon wifes may have visited him at the art clinic, and another article reported they stayed at international art dealer Larry Gagosian’s property.

Other articles have claimed that Williams finished art rehab and has been reunited with his studio assistants.

Photos picturing Williams at the clinic appeared in January, but later pictures cast doubt on their accuracy. That is not the only reason to doubt the rumors or this article, either.

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More Information:  press@lgwilliams.com or 415–937–1306

Copyright © 1998-2010 LG WILLIAMS and The Estate of LG WILLIAMS  http://www.lgwilliams.com